Monday, October 3, 2011

Taught to Imitate

I completely agree with Pirsig's statement about how we are taught to imitate in school. Whenever I get a new teacher for an English/Writing course I have to adapt my style of writing to their liking. Every teacher thinks that one way of writing is better than another, and they will give an A to someone who writes the way they feel is correct. There is definitely an obvious difference between good and bad writing however A work and B work is sometimes subjective. Because one teacher may feel that more description with a lot of imagery is better while another teacher would prefer that you just get to the point.

Grading System

Pirsig expresses his disdain for the grading system in schools. He feels that grades are not a good way to motivate someone to do their work, and do it well. Anyone who is really worth something should be motivated by the search for knowledge. However I disagree because there are few people who are the exception to the rule. And in order to keep our world functioning we need to cater towards the rule and not the exception.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

I have noticed at the beginning of almost every chapter the narrator describes the nature surrounding him. It is extremely apparent that nature is very important to him and he is a very observant person. He goes into great detail several times describing nature.
Ex: "To the immediate south we can see pine-forested mountains that still have last winter's snow on the peaks. In all other directions appear lower mountains, more in the distance but just as clear and sharp."

Monday, September 19, 2011

On Writing

Through reading Stephen King's, On Writing, I have discovered he has a different point of view on writing than me. I personally love reading pieces of literature with rich language filled with imagery. I understand that there are instances where you can cut down your writing and take out unnecessary filler words. However I do not believe that you must take away an entire intro and simply write a thesis. Reading isn't something that I want to get out of the way, it is something I enjoy and savor and if someone takes out the art of writing, reading becomes more of a means to gather information rather than a joy to learn. However I do believe Stephen King still has many insights and knowledge that I can learn from. 

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

As I read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance I quickly realizes that many parts of this book I am going to have to skim because the contents go right over my head. There are many sections in the book where the narrator describes the many intricacies and workings of a motorcycle. Unfortunately I am not a motorcycle fanatic, so everything he says goes right over my head. This is where I make the assessment that I am the character John and Sylvia in this story. I am sorry but I am merely a spectator and cannot relate to the narrator of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle and Maintenance.